In the overall scenario of this story, the Trocara, guided by the Keepers, are planning to “cleanse” Earth of its human stock and reseed it with a new strain of intelligent insectoid stock. Before the cleansing, the Keepers travel to Earth to gather up some “sample” humans for their zoo and further experiments. The Keepers gather up a “sampling” of humans at an Arizona reservation—this inadvertently triggers Talon Brave to hop aboard their shuttle, since he witnesses them dragging off Mary Thunder.

Talon’s first instinct is to survive—he attempts to stay out of reach during the shuttle flight, but ends up being captured and mutilated before he can take control of the ship.

When Talon awakes, his confidence is shattered—only survival instinct leads him on. During his initial wandering, he confronts the Stalene Keeper.

The Stalene Keeper is interested in Earth becoming an insectoid seed world, because that is the way of the games. She is also interested in becoming more than she is-she is interested in becoming a being who can procreate-and from this current inability, her jealousy grows.

The Stalene Keeper is subconsciously jealous of Talon-his passion and energy, and of course his ability to procreate. She is also driven by her own notion of superiority and her own sense of control. She also constantly reminds Talon that he amounts to nothing in the grand scheme of things.

Talon then meets with his great grandfather in spirit form—he is skeptical, but he urges Talon to turn towards the growing mystical feelings inside.

Talon discovers where the other captives are kept—he talks with Mary Thunder, and he is fueled with a desire to save her. Mary wants nothing more than for Talon to succeed and to return to Earth together. Talon cannot free her at the moment, and when he returns, he finds that several have been taken away and Mary is frantic.

Talon then witnesses one of the Indian being mutilated and killed—he is powerless to stop them, and his confidence dips again. At that moment, he meets the Keeper again who tells Talon of the fate of Earth and her plans for a bit of a game, with Earth’s future in the balance.

Attempting to make his way to where Mary is, Talon confronts the humanoid vampire tribe—in a horrible battle, he kills them all but Hataa-skeen. She is beside herself with rage, but also realizes that Talon may be the only hope for a future of her tribe. She provides Talon with information to get to Mary.

Talon encounters the strange insectoid region and the hive queen—he learns of her plans to reseed the world once humans are eliminated—he also learns that she plans on subverting the Keeper’s plans and release the xenocide drones earlier than the rules allow. Secretly, the Keeper knows this, but allows it to happen as part of the test.

Talon’s great grandfather teaches him more, and his powers grow to a new level. Talon must now stop the first drone from crashing to Earth.

As Talon succeeds, the Stalene Keeper grows more jealous and more angry with him.

Talon learns of the insectoids plan to rid the Trocara of the humanoids from Hataa-skeen and the humanoid hegemon.

Talon must fight through a saurian area to get to the arenas—here, he must face his second major test.

Talon succeeds, but is given a third test—an arena gauntlet—he is given time to prepare. Talon’s great grandfather aids him in honing his powers, and he sees Mary, still a captive, once again. As he is preparing, he learns of the second drone ready to be launched—he must battle through the front line of the humanoid/insectoid war to get to the drone and disarm it before it launches.

Getting back to the arena, Talon must battle a humanoid, a saurian and finally, the insectoid that will take over earth. He wins. The stalene keeper says that Talon has nearly won—he must free mary and the captives from the insectoids and meet him at the Keeper hub. Talon, with Hataa-skeen’s help, frees the remaining captives, but then Hataa-skeen has here own plans—Talon must defeat her.

Making their way along to where they should be, Talon encounters a fighting force—he sees his grandfather who hints at the Keeper’s treachery and offers a possible plan. Talon must fight through the flanks, keep his charges alive, and get to the core Keeper room—it is here that Talon must begin shutting down the Trocaran ship before Earth is destroyed.

The stalene keeper finally stops him at the last moment, and says that he has won the game. He opens the portal to Earth to let Mary and the others through—He closes it and talks to Talon, opening another portal along with earth and gives Talon a choice—Talon jumps through the second portal—into the unknown.